June 24, 2009

Export ODBC tables to CSV files

There's quite a few tools on the web for this, but for lack of trust (malware) and not having complete control I found it easier to write a script in Windows Scripting Host (WSH) instead.

The script was written to be invoked from the command line using cscript.exe and then with the following parameters; (1) ODBC DSN name; (2) table Name; and (3) output CSV name. You could quite easily update strDNS, strSQLTable, strFile though.

Option Explicit
Dim objConn, objRecordset
Dim objFileSystem, objFile
Dim intCount, intNoFields, strSQL
Dim strDSN, strSQLTable, strFile

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2

' get command line arguments
strDSN = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
strSQLTable = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
strFile = WScript.Arguments.Item(2)

' open odbc dsn connection
Set objConn = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=" & strDSN & ";Uid=myUsername;Pwd=;"

' execute query
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Trim(strSQLTable)
Set objRecordset = objConn.Execute(strSQL)

' open file for writing
Set objFileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForWriting, True)

' loop through recordset
intNoFields = (objRecordset.Fields.Count-1)
Do While Not objRecordset.EOF

   ' get number of fields (columns) within recordset and
   ' for each field output to file seperated by a tab,
   ' but skip nulls and don't add a tab if at last field.
   For intCount = 0 to intNoFields
       If IsNull(objRecordset.Fields.Item(intCount)) = False Then
           objFile.Write objRecordset.Fields.Item(intCount)
           If intCount <> intNoFields Then objFile.Write vbTab
           If intCount <> intNoFields Then objFile.Write vbTab
       end if
   ' write new line at end of each record and move onto next
   ' (nicely does it now)
   objFile.Write vbNewLine

' finish up
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFileSystem = Nothing   

Set objRecordset = Nothing
Set objConn = Nothing

As I wanted to have the script scheduled and the output zipped and placed onto a UNC path, I created the following Windows shell script. The script is actually a bit of an overkill but as I had already written it for something else and liked the logging and verbose output features used it again.

I've modified this script slightly for sake of simplification and posting on the web; I actually extracted a number of tables and captured these in additional phases (phase 2, phase 3, etc.). The current phase 2 (ZIP compression) was numbered after the last extract phase (e.g. phase 4). If you’re going to do the same, don’t forget to update the variables section to add multiple "set odbc_tableX=", etc. Good luck!
rem -----------------------------------------------
rem  determine current date and time
rem -----------------------------------------------

for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=-/. " %%a in ("%date%") do set XDate=%%c%%b%%a
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=:. " %%a in ("%time%") do set XTime=%%a%%b%%c

rem Possible bug: Above only works if regional
rem settings are set to region that has either
rem has "-", "/", "." as the date seperator
rem and either ":" or "." as a time seperator
rem --which should cover all default regional
rem settings. Please update 'delims' above if
rem you have issues. To help test, uncomment
rem the following lines.
rem echo %XDate%%XTime%
rem goto end

rem -----------------------------------------------
rem  user variables
rem  (do not include trailing slash on path names!)
rem -----------------------------------------------

set description=ODBC2TXT script

rem 7-zip location, destination dir and destination output
set zipprog_dir=C:\Program Files\7-Zip
set dest_dir=\\server\share
set dest_zip=extract_%Xdate%-%XTime%.zip

rem wsh script location
set script_dir=c:\odbc2txt
set wshscript=odbc2txt.vbs

rem odbc dns and SQL tables
set odbc_dsn=databasename
set odbc_table1=tablename

rem working dir and log file
set working_dir=%TEMP%\ODBC2TXT
set log_file=%working dir%\odbc2txt.log

rem -----------------------------------------------
rem  clean up working directory
rem -----------------------------------------------

rem create working folder if not already exists) and ensure
rem it is empty.
if not exist "%working_dir%" md "%working_dir%"
if exist "%working_dir%\*.*" del /f /q "%working_dir%\*.*"

rem -----------------------------------------------
rem  script header information
rem -----------------------------------------------

set message=%description%
echo %message%> "%log_file"

echo *===============================================
echo %message%
echo *===============================================

set message=*** Script started. Processing...
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%

rem -----------------------------------------------
rem  phase 1: extract table
rem -----------------------------------------------

set message=*** Phase 1: Extracting table %odbc_table1%...
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%

rem start WSH script with parameters
cscript.exe /Nologo "%script_dir%\%wshscript%" %odbc_dsn% %odbc_table1% "%working_dir%\%odbc_table1%.txt" >>"%log_file"
if not exist "%working_dir%\%odbc_table1%.txt" goto phase1_error

set message=DONE!
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%

goto phase2

set message=ERROR! File was not created. Script failed!
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%

goto end

rem -----------------------------------------------
rem  phase 2: Compress and copy to outbound folder
rem -----------------------------------------------

set message=*** Phase 2: Compressing extracts and copying to outbound folder...
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%

"%zipprog_dir%\7za.exe" a -y -w"%working_dir%" "%working_dir%\archive.zip" "%working_dir%\*.txt" >>"%log_file"
if not exist "%working_dir%\archive.zip" goto phase3_error

rem copy zip file to given destination directory.
copy /y "%working_dir%\archive.zip" "%dest_dir%\%dest_zip%" >>"%log_file"
if errorlevel 1 goto phase3_error

set message=%dest_zip% created and copied to
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%

set message=%dest_dir%
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%

set message=DONE!
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%

goto end

set message=ERROR! Failed. Check log.
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%

goto end

rem -----------------------------------------------
rem  Finish off
rem -----------------------------------------------

set message=*** Script complete. Exiting...
echo %message%>>"%log_file"
echo %message%



Tom Vinzant said...

Rob I stumbled across your post about an ODBC Export from SQL. I'm trying to use your code to do a simple table dump to a TXT file. I have Windows XP Pro and I'm getting a VBS runtime error that indicates that there is no script engine for .txt extension

Any suggestions? I know that I'm connected to my ODBC connection.

Thanks in advance.

rob said...

Hi Tom. Not sure exactly. You have the VBS code in a regular ASCII text file (not UTF8) and it is labelled something like "odbc2txt.vbs"?

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